Make a Gift

The College of Environmental Design and its departments rely on the generosity of alumni and friends to help us sustain our standards of excellence as a learn-by-doing institution. Your investment helps:
- Advance innovation and applied research within the design disciplines
- Create learning environments that foster student, faculty, and industry collaboration
- Transform student training through cutting-edge instruction.
We invite you to be a part of our future!
College of Environmental Design
ENV Dean's Excellence Fund
Unrestricted annual and one-time gifts to support the degree program or center that matters most to you will help to ensure the college has the flexibility to quickly respond to new or unexpected educational opportunities. Your contributions will help advance student research and learning activities, promote faculty excellence and enhance program curriculums. Unrestricted funds are critical to the success of our learn-by-doing mission.
Endowment Giving
By contributing to an existing endowment or establishing a named endowment, you will provide on-going sources of funding for students, faculty, programs, buildings, and activities for future generations to come. Because the corpus is not spent and a portion of the earnings is reinvested, an endowment lasts in perpetuity, enabling you to have a lasting legacy that will benefit future students
There are many endowment opportunities and funding levels available at the College of Environmental Design.
Endowments for Faculty, Student Enhancement and Academic Programs:
- Department Chairs, Professorships and Graduate Assistants
- Studios and teaching facilities
- International/Study Abroad Programs, and Academic Tours and Field Trips
Endowments for Student Scholarships:
- Undergraduate
- Graduate
- Student Travel
Endowments can also cover other purposes that may fall outside of these categories or for purposes that matter most to you.
Support for undergraduate and graduate scholarships helps to ensure future and current students have access to a learn-by-doing education. Scholarships help Cal Poly Pomona maintain access to our unique programs and attract top students. Above all, scholarships provide a foundation from which students can achieve their academic goals and go on to contribute their skills to the world. Please consider how you can help open doors to a life changing education for students.
Academic Programs Including Lectures, Field Trips and International Study
Funding for a professional lecture series would allow faculty and students working in tandem to develop a professional speaker series attracting well-known practitioners, innovators of design and researchers to campus once a month to broaden the students' knowledge of a particular subject, stimulate cross class-level dialogue, and enhance cllege-wide learning experiences.
Field trips are an important component of students' professional and creative development, linking classroom and studio concepts to real-world issues.
Meanwhile, providing on-going support for ENV's international exchange programs will enable scholarly and cultural immersion for students wishing to study abroad in our sister programs located in China, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Japan, Mexico and other Latin American countries.
Interdisciplinary Studios
Capstone studios promote cross-disciplinary collaborations and take participants beyond the classroom, providing non-traditional “hands-on” learning experiences. Studio projects typically have a group component, challenging students to work in teams, as well as individual challenges to meet funder and/or college project interests. These 10-week interdisciplinary topic studios could involve two or more disciplines from ENV’s programs (architecture, art, landscape architecture, urban and regional planning, and regenerative studies) and/or interaction with other programs on campus including those in the College’s of Engineering, Business, and Science. Academic substance for each studio would be mutually agreed upon by Cal Poly Pomona and the funder prior to the beginning of the quarter session.
Technology Innovation and Upgrades
Funding would provide for upgrades to support teaching, research, and demonstration capabilities by equipping prominent academic spaces throughout ENV facilities (classroom, lab, studio and exhibition spaces) with the latest technology. Purchasing new projection systems, multimedia and 3D modeling equipment, videoconferencing technology and computer tablets, would allow students and faculty to maintain sophisticated levels of communication related to scholarship and test applications in the design, planning and building sciences areas.
Rehabilitation and Maintenance of the Neutra VDL Studio and Residences
Join with the Friends of VDL to help restore and maintain the former professional studio and residences of one of modern architecture's founding figures, Richard J. Neutra. The property, located in the Silver Lake are of Los Angeles, was gifted to the university in the early 90's and serves today as an academic resource for CPP students and the greater design community in southern California and beyond. As the current stewards of the home, the College of Environmental Design, seeks support to undertake the work to restore and maintain this seminal example of modern design.
Are you looking for a way to make a significant gift to help further our mission? A bequest is a gift made through your will or trust. It's one of the most popular and flexible ways to support the College of Environmental Design at Cal Poly Pomona.
What are the benefits of making a bequest?
- You leave a lasting legacy to be remembered.
- You lessen the burden of taxes on your family
- You may receive estate tax savings.
How can I learn more?
Contact Cal Poly Pomona Planned Giving
Watch a Video
Download Planned Giving Brochure
How do I make a bequest?
A bequest is one of the easiest gifts to make. With the help of an advisor, you can include language in your will or trust specifying a gift be made to family, friends or the College of Environmental Design at Cal Poly Pomona as part of your estate plan. View Bequest Language.
What are my options?
A bequest can be made in several ways:
- You can gift a specific dollar amount or asset.
- You can gift a percentage of your estate.
- You can gift from the balance or residue of your estate.
- You can make a beneficiary designation of certain assets.
How do I support the College of Environment Design and benefit financially?
Learn how a combination of a current gift and a charitable bequest can help achieve your financial goals while having impact on ENV programs now.
How do I get started?
Contact Cal Poly Pomona Planned Giving
Request an Estate Planning Guide
Director of Planned Giving
(909)869-4825 |
There are many ways you can support the College of Environmental Design!
STEP 1: Determine what you want to support
The college's Development Office can provide you with additional information on Giving Opportunities. In general:
- Unrestricted Gifts give the Dean’s office, degree programs and centers flexibility to support immediate and future needs.
- Restricted Gifts are directed by you to meet an identified need within the college.
STEP 2: Determine how you wish to make your gift
Outright Gifts
An outright gift is just as its name applies: a gift transferred immediately from you to benefit the college. This includes cash, pledges, securities, gifts-in-kind, real estate and matching gifts.
- Cash Gifts can be made through credit/debit card transactions, outright cash, or personal checks, cashier’s checks, or money orders made payable to the Cal Poly Pomona Foundation. Please contact our development office on (909) 869 - 4468 for information on how to make a wire transfer.
- Pledges enable you to plan a gift that is both convenient and tax-wise. A pledge allows you to consider a more significant gift that otherwise may not be possible and is payable over five years.
- Gifts of Securities may be contributed as outright gifts or as a pledge payment. When you make a gift of long-term appreciated securities (stocks, bonds or mutual funds that have grown in value), your income tax deduction is equal to the current fair market value of the securities, and you may avoid capital gains taxes on the transfer.
- Gifts of Real Estate can be contributed as an outright gift or a gift through your estate. It also may be given to fund a deferred gift such as a charitable remainder trust. Other gifting options allow for continued use of the property during your lifetime or for lifetime income.
- Gifts-in-Kind are items of tangible personal property such as art, books, technology or livestock.
- Matching Gifts enable you to double or triple the impact of your outright gifts if your employer offers a matching gift program. To determine whether you company will match your gift, please visit the website.
Deferred Gifts
Deferred gifts enable you to arrange charitable contributions in a manner that maximizes your personal objectives and financial goals. Many plans provide flexibility during your lifetime, even though the college will not realize the benefit until sometime in the future. The most common types of deferred plans are bequests, retirement plan designations, charitable remainder trusts, charitable lead trusts and gifts of paid-up life insurance policies.
Visit for more information on deferred giving opportunities or contact:
Vince Fraumeni
Director of Planned Giving
(909)869-4825 |
STEP 3: Make your gift
Online Gifts
Click on the 'Donate' button above to make your online donations
Mailing Address:
Cal Poly Pomona
Development Department
PO Box 3121
Pomona, CA 91769
Checks payable to:
The Cal Poly Pomona Philanthropic Foundation, Inc.
You Make A Difference!
Your investments play a critical role in the lives of our students, the strength of our college, and our ability to make advances in the planning and design fields that impact society.
Longtime supporters Steve and Marian Dodge pledged $3 million to advance the study of modern architecture. (Image by Tom Zasadzinski)
Elevating Modern Architecture Studies and Art History
Steve and Marian Dodge, longtime supporters of the university and patrons of modern architecture, pledged $3 million through a bequest gift to advance the study of modern architecture in the College of Environmental Design. Their gift established the Dodge Institute of Modern Architecture at Cal Poly Pomona.
In 2020, the Dodges also donated $10,000 to help build the Art Department Technology and Print Lab. Part of the funds will go towards purchasing Apple and PC desktop computers and other equipment in support of the Art History program’s exploration of the new frontier of Digital Art History, which in turn will help prepare students for future directions in the field. Notably, the Dodges' donation is the first time a donation directly aids the growth of the Art History program. We are very grateful and look forward to program development afforded by this donation.
Randall Lewis: Investing in Sustainability Education
Longtime supporter Randall Lewis translated his interest in sustainability by investing in several significant initiatives at the College of Environmental Design. From 2017-2020, he funded the Upland Unified School District Gardens Program, an internship opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students that tied together nutrition, food gardening and public schools.
In 2020, the Lyle Center for Regenerative Studies launched the Randall Lewis Lyle Center Fellowship. This program awards $2,400 to each recipient and the opportunity for Cal Poly Pomona students to participate in the food production activities on the 16-acre site "living laboratory" and assist with the renovation of the vegetable garden area to grow food for the Poly Pantry. Other activities for fellows include conducting research, design, data collection and analysis, ideation and project development at the Center.
Lewis' latest support is in the classroom: sponsoring the creation of a new course, Sustainable Cities (URP 5900), offered by the Department of Urban and Regional Planning. This lab/project course will give ENV graduate students and undergraduate seniors the chance to work on a housing and sustainability report, and resource and policy guidance for the Pomona area.
ENV Emergency Assistance Program
The pandemic disrupted lives at an unprecedented scale. To address the unforeseen hardship that students face in their academic, professional and personal lives, the College of Environmental Design established the ENV Emergency Assistance Program, which awards deserving students a one-time $500 stipend. ENV expresses its gratitude to the early supporters of this program:
Steve Preston & Janet Whaley * Richard Willson * Stan Braden * Danielle Takata Herring * Kevin Wilkeson * Lauren Weiss Bricker * Randy & Mona Shulman * Marco Martinez * Walter Allen III (In Memory of Patricia Allen, '75 B.A. Behavioral Science) * Mary & David Marquardt (In Memory of Howard O. Boltz) * Allyn Winderman * Shimpei Koyama * Brian Walker * Bruce Arita * David Nguyen * Mark McKnight * Alyssa Lang * Robert Perry * Wendy Rogers * Janice M. Hubbell * Tracy Yao * Bernadette Jeffries * Brian Garcia * Lillian Wu * Jocelyn Ajao * Jenkins Shannon * Audrey Sato * Philip Pregill * John King * Karen King * Marvin Sawyer * 2019-20 Environmental Design Student Council * Barry Lehrman * Louise Le * Juan Gomez * Gabrielle Miani * Oscar Gomez * Sam Francis Foundation
Sam Francis Foundation Endowed Scholarship for Art and Art History
Established in 2020, the endowment continues the mission of Abstract Expressionist Sam Francis (1923-1994), dedicated to the transformative power of art as a force for change. His eponymous scholarship at Cal Poly Pomona supports the educational pursuits of art history and visual communication design students with a $2,000 award for each recipient.
One of the first post-World War II painters to develop an international reputation, Francis' legacy was that of a contemporary renaissance man. He explored the nature of creativity and the roles of imagination and knowledge through his expansive and synergistic interests in art, technology, psychology, science, medicine and protecting the environment – he was early investor in renewable energy sources and cures for AIDS.
Beyond the Edge: Cross-Cultural Urban Design Studio
In 2018 SWA Laguna Beach, in collaboration with more than 30 design firms and industry partners, donated $20,000 to fund a landscape architecture studio to participate in a cross-cultural urban design studio with 20 of their student counterparts at Huazhing University of Science and Technology. Beyond the Edge explored sustainable solutions for waterfront developments along the Yangtze River in central China. Wuhan, home to 10 million residents, sits along the central banks of the world's third-longest river. As central China's largest city, it is the seat of the region's political, economics, financial and cultural power.
The studio was directly supported with professional lectures, critiques, design charrettes and workshops on- and off-campus by SWA Laguna Beach. Its overseas field trip component was designed to deepen students’ awareness of the culture, climate and ecology, and history of Wuhan, Hubei Province and the Yangtze River watershed. Students were challenged to develop projects that integrate the region’s history of trade and industrial workforce with the necessity to integrate resilient design that address climate change and future trends in mobility, transit, retail environments, residential, office, and environmental infrastructure.
The College of Environmental Design and the Department of Landscape Architect are grateful to: SWA Group (Sean O'Malley, Xiao Zheng, Andrew Watkins, Pavel Petrov, Natasha Harkison and Evan Lee); Wuhan Landscape Planning and Design Academy; Wuhan Planning & Design Co., Ltd.; Wuhan City Flood Control Survey and Design Institute; BrightView; MMCité; Pierre Landscape Construction; Berliner; Bison Innovative Products; Buzon Pedestal International; id metalco, Inc.; Scofield; Quickrete Concrete Products; Rainbird; Shaw and Sons/Shaw Construction; Ackerstone; D.L. Cunningham; Belgard; Chaparral; Coast Recreation; Coldspring; David Silverman & Associates; Dynamo Play Systems; Forms and Surfaces; Glasir Design; Landscape Structures; SiteOne Landscape Supply; Sweeney & Associates; Hunter Irrigation; Modern Outdoor; Tri-C Organics; TNEMEC; and Netafim USA.
Student-Designed Cabin: From L.A. County Fair Display to the Great Outdoors
The Wedge cabin designed by Emily Williams, Bryan Charney and Antonio Fernandez ('16, all master's in architecture) during their time as students provided a glimpse of the future of camping in California when it mades its debut as a display in the 2014 Los Angeles County Fair.
The wedge cabin project has since taken on a life of its own: four Wedge cabins are now available to rent at Julie Pfeiffer Burns State Park in Big Sur, the site of its first prototype; and three more at Spring Lake Regional Park in Santa Rosa. The cabins also inspired the visitor's center at Bodega Bay's Doran Beach, which opened to much fanfare in August 2017. That same year, the Wedge cabin design won the Merit Award from the Society of American Registered Architects.
College of Environmental Design Receives Record Gift
Architecture alumna Juliana Terian, co-founder of Nouvelle View and former chairman of Rallye Automotive Group (NY), has pledged $2.5 million to the College of Environmental Design. It is the single largest cash gift in the history of the college and the sixth highest in Cal Poly Pomona history.
Alumnus Gift Helps Landscape Architecture Students
Every day, Hawaiians can see landscape architect Michael Chu’s designs and creativity in the newest Lowe’s home improvement store, seven Costco locations, and – Chu’s favorite – the renovated Hawaii State Library.